Stan Gooch: noted psychologist and researcher; author of Total Man, Cities of Dreams, The Paranormal, and many other books.stan gooch crow street press electronic books e-books ebooks Microsoft Reader Adobe Palm paranormal total man cities of dreams early man neanderthal man homo neanderthalensis homo sapiens neanderthalensis cro magnon theories human personality psychic abilities healing dreams esp animals free postcards ecards e-cards Stan Gooch: noted psychologist and researcher; author of Total Man, Cities of Dreams, The Paranormal, and many other books.stan gooch crow street press electronic books e-books ebooks Microsoft Reader Adobe Palm paranormal total man cities of dreams early man neanderthal man homo neanderthalensis homo sapiens neanderthalensis cro magnon theories human personality psychic abilities healing dreams esp animals free postcards ecards e-cards Stan Gooch: noted psychologist and researcher; author of Total Man, Cities of Dreams, The Paranormal, and many other books.stan gooch crow street press electronic books e-books ebooks Microsoft Reader Adobe Palm paranormal total man cities of dreams early man neanderthal man homo neanderthalensis homo sapiens neanderthalensis cro magnon theories human personality psychic abilities healing dreams esp animals free postcards ecards e-cards Stan Gooch: noted psychologist and researcher; author of Total Man, Cities of Dreams, The Paranormal, and many other books.stan gooch crow street press electronic books e-books ebooks Microsoft Reader Adobe Palm paranormal total man cities of dreams early man neanderthal man homo neanderthalensis homo sapiens neanderthalensis cro magnon theories human personality psychic abilities healing dreams esp animals free postcards ecards e-cards Stan Gooch: noted psychologist and researcher; author of Total Man, Cities of Dreams, The Paranormal, and many other books.stan gooch crow street press electronic books e-books ebooks Microsoft Reader Adobe Palm paranormal total man cities of dreams early man neanderthal man homo neanderthalensis homo sapiens neanderthalensis cro magnon theories human personality psychic abilities healing dreams esp animals free postcards ecards e-cards

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Stan GoochMore about Stan Gooch

Stan Gooch was born in London in 1932. He took his first degree, in Modern Languages, at King’s College. After a brief period as a teacher and head teacher, he obtained a psychology degree at Birbeck College, and was appointed Senior Research Psychologist at the National Children’s Bureau. During this time he authored two textbooks, both of which became required reading in psychology courses, and published numerous papers and articles.

After resigning his post to pursue a full-time writing career, Stan wrote and co-wrote 13 books and numerous articles on the subjects of psychology, child health and development, parapsychology, and other subjects. Titles include Total Man, Cities of Dreams., The Neanderthal Question, The Secret Life of Humans, The Paranormal, and Personality and Evolution

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